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Occupational Ability testing
CAO Application:
Interest Inventory:
Personality Profile:
Do you know who you are? What are your dominant traits? By answering a personality profile questionnaire this can help you see your traits. Personality traits reflect your characteristic patterns of thoughts, feelings and behaviours.
No personality type is “better” than any other—just different. And each perspective brings something new and interesting to the table.
Maybe you have always hated talking on the phone, but never really understood why. Or perhaps you’ve always needed a little extra time to think about a problem before making a decision.
By learning more about where you lie on the extroversion/introversion and thinking/feeling continuum, you might be better able to understand why you prefer certain things and dislike others.
This can come in handy when you are trying to make important decisions that might have an impact on the course of your life, such as choosing a college course or career.
Selecting a college course and profession that is well-aligned with your personal preferences might mean that you end up being happier and more satisfied with your choice and your work in the long run.
Occupational Ability Testing:
Future Planning & Goals:
Look at strengths how and they can be used in choosing college course:
Develop a plan of action how to get into a course that will get you to your career:
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